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Let’s explore some concepts about core values, how you can define your own and lay the foundation of a value driven life.

A ‘value’ is any tangible or intangible to which you confer a special importance in your life.

Hence, you can value friendship or love; you can value family, liberty, money.

What we do need, though is to prioritize and, as a life exercise, define a system of core values.

‘A value is any tangible or intangible to which you confer a special importance in your life’

Let’s do an exercise leading to discovering your core values:

  1. On a blank space, brainstorm an free inventory of things that you value. No priority required.
  2. Select the ten (10) values that you feel are most important to you
  3. From this ten values, prioritize a top five (5)
  4. Rank them by discrimination (eg: 3 is more important than 1, 4 is more important than 5, 2 is more important than 4)
  5. There you go! Say hello to your core value system! The drivers of your decision making and general outlook on life

If you want to learn more about how to define your core value system and how to use it to successfully drive your life, contact us at and learn more about our work and values at

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